Candid B Cream

Candid B Cream

Candid B Cream frequently used to diagnose or treat fungal infections of the toes, vagina, groin, and penis. Some of its negative effects include pain, blisters, shedding skin, and irritation. Candid B Cream is made with the salts beclometasone topical and clotrimazole topical.Candid B Cream is a topical cream that is frequently used to relieve … Read more

Emolene Cream

Emolene Cream

Emolene Cream, which contains propylene glycol as its active ingredient, is used as a moisturiser to treat and prevent dry or rough, itchy, and scaly skin, as well as minor skin irritations. Propylene glycol acts by forming a layer on the top of the skin and trapping moisture, which helps hydrate and resolve dryness and … Read more



Cream Pharmaceutical creams are used for a wide range of cosmetic applications, including skin protection against bacterial and fungal infections, skin cleansing, beautifying, modifying look, moisturizing, and mending cuts, burns, and wounds. Although human skin is often damaged, it is also capable of healing itself. However, infection is a possibility, particularly in the early stages … Read more

Luliconazole Cream:

Luliconazole Cream

Luliconazole Cream: Luliconazole Cream If you have a fungal infection on your skin, a lotion called licor cinole may be helpful. It’s a drug to treat fungal skin infections like ringworm, jock itch, and athlete’s foot. The fact that liconazole cream is a member of the azole class of antifungal drugs, which are well-known for … Read more